Copper Yards + The Jetty

When developers Colmena Group and Kimball Investment Company met with AOR, the mega block in Salt Lake City was not much more than a concrete slab.

Their vision included a newly developed urban hub that pays homage to the history of Salt Lake City while looking to its vibrant future. Incorporating a multi-family residence as well as retail and office space, the block placed high importance on also being a community center where all people could come to experience unique shops, music, and art.

From these visions sprouted Copper Yards, a nod to the city’s copper history and the railroad that allowed SLC to become a competitive national hub, and The Jetty, a name related to the famous environmental art by Robert Smithson’s The Spiral Jetty on the banks of The Great Salt Lake. With cornerstones of history and art guiding creative and development decisions, the super block came alive as a modern, thoughtful, and accessible place for all.

Copper Yards joins art, nature, and industry.


In developing the vision for what will become Copper Yards, differentiating factors became clear: unique retail and a natural outdoor space will set this block apart. But, more than that, Copper Yards looked to retain an authenticity that can be easily lost in such large developments. With a collective north star pointed towards lifting up community, culture, and arts, Copper Yards is platform for continued growth.

The Jetty: a multi-family residence at Copper Yards


The Jetty brand follows closely in the footsteps of Copper Yards, with a strong sense of direction gained from art, nature, and industry. The name The Jetty, inspired by the famed Spiral Jetty by Robert Smithson, also relates to meanings of adventure, the commencement of exploration, and an influence of the future.

My roles: Art direction, brand discovery, naming

Collaborators: Andrea Nordgren, Creative Direction; Leah Metz, Copywriting, Sammie O’Sullivan, Graphic Design; Elena Lippincott, Client Services; Hilary Hadden, Account Management; Alex Allbery, Project Management; Tribe Developers, brand strategy