City and County of Denver Elections 2020 Campaign

In a major election year, the state of Colorado hoped to bring attention to two smaller elections and reach audiences who were less likely to vote.

The campaign focuses on a non-biased approach to get the word out about the state’s National Presidential Primary, the State Primary, and the Presidential Election. The campaign, One Vote is All It Takes, empowers individual voters to consider the strength of their ballot. A bright, neutral blue helps to break through the voting noise. Isolated black and white portrait imagery works to speak directly to the viewer. With the intention of reaching as many voters as possible, all ads were translated into Spanish and, where possible, multiple other languages.


At the start of the year, plans pivoted in response to Covid-19, with voting moving largely online. As part of the shift, video production swiftly moved into a fully remote production model.


Campaign Results

Campaign benchmark metric records were seen in all three elections.

Super Tuesday Election

Goal: Encourage voter turnout of at least 50% for the National Primary Election.

Result: 51% of the state’s active voters participated.

State Primary Election

Goal: Encourage voter turnout of at least 30% for the State Primary Election.

Result: Voter turnout data shows over 50% turnout.

Presidential Election

Goal: 55% of ballots returned by November 1st or before.

Result: 55% of ballots returned by October 29th, 71% by November 2nd, and 73.6% by November 3rd at 10am.


My roles: Concept development, graphic design, motion graphics, campaign buildout

Collaborators: Leah Metz, Copywriter; Andrea Nordgren, Creative Director; Andy Borgione, Producer; Jack Regan, Account Executive; Kathleen Ryan, Project Manager